The raw material used for this range of product is glass fibre 550°C E type, inorganic, sterile and incombustible which is texturised or voluminized and then twisted. The fibre diameter is 9 µ, in order to avoid any problem of irritation. Glass fibre products are used for applications with temperatures up to 550°C, oils, chemical agents (except sodium silicate) thanks to their good thermal and mechanical resistance. Good elasticity, high pliability, low thermal loss.
HT Glass fibre is subjected to a special chemical treatment which increases the yarns’ thermal resistance. The diameter of this fibre, 9 µ, makes HT glass fibre products safe (they conform to European norms). They are used for applications with temperatures up to 750°C, oils, chemical agents (except sodium silicate) thanks to their high thermal and mechanical resistance. No thermal loss. The basic yarns can be of different colours (light blue, blue, brown, grey) according to the customers’ needs.

Ceramic fibre textiles are made of aluminium silicate yarns. Standard types contain 15-20% of organic fibers which are added during the carding process. The organic fibers burn at mediumhigh temperatures, but the thermal and physical characteristics of the product remain unaffected. The basic yarns can be reinforced with glass fibre yarns to stand to temperatures up to 650°C or with inconel wires for temperatures up to 900°C. Ceramic fibre items are ductile thanks to the low density of the raw material and they guarantee an outstanding resistance to high temperatures and chemical agents (except strong bases, phosphoric and hydrofluoric acids).
Carded HT glass fibre (SiO2) yarns are produced thanks to a centrifugation process of glass that permits to have a SOLUBLE material and a safe product, both from the sanitary and ecological point of view (dissolution rate 294 ng/cm2 hr). The standard products contain about 20% of organic fibers which are added during the carding process and 80% HT glass. The organic fi bers burn at medium-high temperatures, but the thermal and physical characteristics of the product remain unaffected the fi re loss is low (2%). The basic yarns can be reinforced either with fi berglass yarns, to resist to temperatures of 650°C or with metal wire, to resist to temperatures of 1050°C. Carded HT glass fiber products have a green shade in order to make them identifiable at once and to distinguish them from similar materials, such as ceramic.

PANXIDE fibre, exclusive production Evoltex, is made of carbon fibre blended with kevlar fibre. This special mixture, which is studied to meet the most stringent requirements, gives PAN (polyacrylonitrile) fibre an outstanding tensile strength and a good resistance to temperatures (up to 300°C), organic solvents, acids, alkalis, oils and fuels. The large diameter of the fi ber (15 µ) makes PANXIDE the safest alternative to asbestos and offers greater hygienic safety.